Personal Leadership Philosophy


Mahatma Gandhi: - Trait Leadership Theory, which was popular from the 1930s to 1940, is the type of leadership theory that Mahatma Gandhi used. It is because he was the kind of leader who exudes honesty, inspiration, drive for success, emotional maturity, and self-assurance. Mahatma Gandhi was a person of enormous willpower and a sincere man of peace, which is why I chose him to be my leader. Every time I read about his interests, work ethic, and character as a man of peace, I am so inspired by him. He serves as an example for many people all over the world. There are various styles of leadership, and Mahatma Gandhi used a transformational style. Whoever has achieved the greatest success in the history of the world is a model leader who gives his followers the power to feel better.

Mahatma Gandhi's three leadership qualities were inspiration, optimism, and effective communication.

He demonstrated trustworthy, self-leadership, and communication of vision and strategy as a leader. According to the trait approach, leaders are born with particular personality traits that make them great people, Mahatma Gandhi was regarded as a born leader.

The Great Man Leadership Theory and Trait Leadership Theory are two leadership theories that Mahatma Gandhi applied to his own leadership style. These two theories can be applied to Gandhi's leadership style because he was a person of honesty and integrity who inspired loyalty in his followers by building their trust in him. He served as an inspiration to everyone because of the way he lived and the courage he displayed. He was a motivational leader who was known for his effort, intense ambition, vigor, and initiative. He wasn't severely depressed and had a good sense of adjustment. When Mahatma Gandhi was born, he was already predestined to lead. It was more likely that he would show up during emergencies. He was acting in a very strange way. He was therefore a leader who was born with that destiny.

Abraham Lincoln: - One of the most revered and remembered presidents is Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln has demonstrated that he possesses traits from the following leadership styles, he has shown that he possesses characteristics from these following leadership styles.

A charismatic leader inspires their team members with enthusiasm and drive. Lincoln is a person who has the power to motivate others and persuade them to share his convictions. He also had the ability to captivate others' interest and command their attention when he speaks. Young Lincoln moved to the Illinois town of New Salem, where he spent many years working as a shopkeeper, postmaster, and general store proprietor.

A democratic leader is one who consults with his team members before deciding what to do and how to do it. Lincoln has a powerful cabinet that includes many of his political adversaries, such as William Seward, Salmon P. Chase, Edward Bates, and Edwin Stanton.

Barack Obama: - In the history of the United States of America, Barack Obama is one of the most well-known politicians. Because of the creative choices and reforms, he made during his presidency, Barack Obama is often referred to as having a transformational leadership style. One of the primary traits of a transformational leader is charisma which typically is a driver for change. Obama’s charismatic nature helped him win the hearts of millions of Americans and foreigners. Obama, on the other hand, combines his capacity to serve others with his capacity to have an impact on them. Putting others' needs before one's own requires one to be a servant leader. To put it another way, this style of leadership involves a dedication to humility. Such administration assumes that a president dedicates every victory to the people they represent (Paquin et al., 2017). In comparison to the leader-manager relationship, a leader who assists others elevates the relationship between the manager and subordinates to a higher level. Their purpose in life is to serve others and help them realize their full potential.

Personal leadership philosophy: - Leadership philosophy is a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide a person's approach to leading and managing people. It is a framework that defines the leader's vision, mission, and purpose, and provides direction for their behavior's and decision-making. A leadership philosophy can help a leader to articulate their goals and objectives, motivate their team, and build a culture of trust and accountability.


Creating a personal leadership philosophy involves reflecting on one's values, beliefs, and experiences, and identifying the qualities and behavior's that are essential to effective leadership. Here are some steps that can help to create a personal leadership philosophy:


Define your vision and mission: A leader's vision and mission are their guiding principles that define their purpose and direction. Think about what you want to achieve in your career and what values are most important to you.

Identify your values: Your values are the fundamental principles that guide your behavior's and decision-making. Think about what values are most important to you as a leader, such as honesty, integrity, accountability, and empathy.

Define your leadership style: There are different leadership styles, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Consider your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and choose a leadership style that aligns with your values and vision.

Set goals and objectives: Identify specific goals and objectives that will help you to achieve your vision and mission. Make sure that these goals are measurable and achievable.

Communicate your philosophy: A leadership philosophy is only effective if it is communicated to your team. Share your philosophy with your team and make sure that they understand your vision, mission, and values.


My personal leadership philosophy is centered on three core values: integrity, accountability, and empathy. As a leader, I believe that it is essential to act with integrity and to be honest, transparent, and ethical in all my dealings. I also believe in being accountable for my actions and decisions and taking responsibility for my team's success and failures. Finally, I believe in empathy and understanding the needs, concerns, and aspirations of my team members.

 As a leader, I will motivate and inspire my team to achieve their full potential by providing a clear direction and purpose, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration, and promoting innovation and creativity. I will also invest in developing their skills and knowledge and provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed.


My leadership style is democratic, which means that I will involve my team in decision-making and seek their input and feedback. I believe that this approach can help to build a sense of ownership and commitment among team members and lead to better outcomes.

Reference: -

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023, January 26). Mahatma Gandhi. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from

GeekmasterDigital Dandy. Hacker From Heart. Workaholic. Coding Artist. Self-made. (2020, November 28). ? Barack Obama - Leadership Style & Principles. Geeknack. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from

Koehn, N. (2018, May 29). The leadership journey of Abraham Lincoln. McKinsey & Company. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from


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