Part 6. Managing a Diverse Team


The interview can teach us new skills that help us succeed. The interviewee, Anna, is an employee with a disability who works in the corporate office. She discussed her experience working with a language barrier and the difficulties she encountered. She outlined the difficulties she had in speaking with the staff. She explained how she was feeling anxious and unable to communicate with her coworkers because of her language barrier. She is unable to concentrate on her task well as a result.

 Summary: -

Anna deals with a variety of challenges at work. These people's problems can be categorized as situational, dispositional, and institutional problems.  

The description of the obstacles at work is as follows:- 

  • Difficulties with the situation:- Due to the language barrier, Anna has a situational problem that makes communicating with her coworkers difficult. It's challenging for her because she works in a place where effective communication is crucial.
  • Dispositional difficulties: - These difficulties are those that staff members encounter due to their personalities, qualities, or traits. For instance, Anna experiences difficulties with her disposition that hinder her ability to properly engage with her coworkers. Her lack of confidence caused by the language barrier makes it difficult for her to engage with her coworkers.
  • Institutional challenges: These issues arise as a result of the policies, procedures, or practice's of an organization.   The language barrier that employees must deal with is also caused by a lack of training or help in the subject. 
  • Strategies:- 

  • The following tactics are what I would use to assist the employee if I were her manager:
1. Offer Anna materials or language classes to assist her develop her English-speaking abilities. She could then communicate more effectively and gain a deeper understanding of the language. Giving Anna access to tools or language training would also help her increase her self-assurance at work.
    2. Give Anna a welcoming workspace and surround her with a team that is sympathetic and helpful. Open channels of communication and displaying consideration for Anna's cultural heritage could accomplish this. Anna would experience a greater sense of inclusion and connection at work if she did so.

    3. Give Anna responsibilities that are particular to his competencies so that she can make a significant contribution to the team. By doing this, Anna would be able to harness his abilities to advance the team and bolster his self-assurance at work.

    4. Give Anna the chance to take part in team-building exercises so she may get to know her coworkers better and feel more a part of the group. This could include team-building exercises, get-together meals, or any other activity that promotes communication and camaraderie.
    These techniques are meant to provide Anna the tools and assistance she needs to get over the language barrier and feel more connected to her coworkers.

    Anna could become more confident in the workplace and be more successful by offering language training, fostering a supportive environment, assigning duties that make use of her skills, and giving her chances to participate in group activities. 



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